Saturday, February 25, 2012

Maasin it is

it is my last day here in Maasin City, Southern Leyte and as if to lengthen the day, i woke up quite early @ 4:15am.  had my power calamanci drink then stayed a while at my favorite part of the Edmund Rice Brothers convent, the back terrace.  i love watching the dawn breaks into the day and the silhouette of the hills is simply amazing. yes, i fell in love with Maasin City and i know i will be coming back ;))
i came across this beautiful piece from David Whyte and from the wonderful Maasin City i'm sharing it here:
Sweet Darkness
When your eyes are tired
the world is tired also.
When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.
Time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.
There you can be sure
you are not beyond love.
The dark will be your womb tonight.
The night will give you a horizon
further than you can see.
You must learn one thing:
the world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.
Sometimes it takes darkness
and the sweet confinement
of your aloneness to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Changes in melife

i had a pondering morning over breakfast today about the recent changes in me and then i read about this article on change. the law of attraction is really like this. what you think, you bumped into it the next moment, one way or the other. below is just an excerpt from the article of which the link is provided above. i just feel very deeply sorry that my lpp is not taking it lightly and is going through rough times anticipating what's ahead. if there's one wish i have today, that would be a gift of acceptance and of loving what is that would enveloped her soul and come out victorious and radiant.

As Friedrich Nietzsche said, “You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.”
Chaos Theory is closely related to the Butterfly Effect. Change is powerful and not nearly as random as it often appears. Making one, small change such as changing your routine, smiling at a stranger or crossing the street to talk to a neighbor, can lead to incredible transformation. Chaos Theory reminds us of our power to co create the future through mindful participation in change.
This excerpt from the novel The Shack by W P Young describes the beautiful chaos of a garden. A fractal is a part that appears to break off from the whole, but retains the form of the whole and the potential to become whole again.
It was chaos in color. His eyes tried unsuccessfully to find some order in this blatant disregard for certainty. Dazzling sprays of flowers were blasted through patches of randomly planted vegetables and herbs, vegetation the likes of which Mack had never seen. It was confusing, stunning, and incredibly beautiful.”
“From above it’s a fractal…” Sarayu said over her shoulder.
Every step he [Mack] took changed whatever patterns he for an instant thought he had seen, and nothing was like it had been.
“A fractal…something considered simple and orderly that is actually composed of repeated patterns no matter how magnified. A fractal is almost infinitely complex. I love fractals, so I put them everywhere.”
“Looks like a mess to me,” said Mack.
“That IS exactly what this is—a mess. “But,” she looked back at Mack and beamed, “it’s still a fractal, too.
Fractals remind us that if you step back from what appears to be chaos, and take a higher or wider view of a situation, you see beauty and order that was hard to detect when you were close up. Change invites this high and wide perspective. As hard as it is, learn to stay open and awake in the middle of change because incredible new doors are opening for you. Change always comes bearing gifts of new possibilities.
As the artist Cezanne said, “We live in a rainbow of chaos.” Enjoy the color, variety and gifts that change brings to your life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Get Naked

Post Valentine and i just came across this article early morning @ joyplace. Talk about love and for couples living together married or not, sex issue is for sure part of discovering each other and growing together. Be inspired while reading through it, taken or not taken. ;)) Happy Heart's Day every day!ü

Are you looking for more excitement in your love life, without blame and judgment?
Sex is more than an act, even an act that is enjoyable and exciting. Sex is a journey into the heart of mystery. Sex with a loving partner is beautiful; both sex that is soft and soulful, and sex that is hot and heavy. Your body, all of it, is a doorway to sensual spirituality. Sex gets you beyond your habitual mind and your small self and gives you an experience of ecstasy, a reminder that you are part of something that is greater than you and yet it’s still deeply present in you and experienced through your bodily humanity.
Before you seduce your partner, seduce yourself. Flirt with the part of you that is still inhibited. Get naked with your own desires and fears so that you know what makes you tick and what ticks you off. Then share it with your partner. Get intimate with the full significance and total experience of sexuality. In the words of Marianne Williamson, “make love an art, and make love like artists.”
Sensuality connects you with the evolution of life itself; fireflies pulse, houseflies flap, moths musk, fish dance, frogs croon, birds plume, mammals strut and preen. We people aren’t much different. We whisper sweet, sensual nothings, raise inviting eyebrows, smile suggestive smiles, bat mysterious eyelids, and flirt with playful flair. Flirting is an evolutionary instinct. It’s one of the ways you hint at the possibility of new life. In other words, sexuality is a reminder that you are part of everything and its all pointing beyond itself to the miracle of evolving life.
The world needs more sex. We all need more sex. But not just any sex. We don’t need more performance based sex. Sexuality that says you must be firmer, longer, larger, longer lasting, and more body perfect, might sell products but it doesn’t lead to a more fulfilling sex life. The media’s surreal parade of perfect bodies and skin-deep liaisons often encourages sexuality that is guilt ridden and competitive. We don’t need competition. We need sexuality that embodies the deepest human longing for connection; with self, with others and with all that is.
Let’s face it. For most of us, there is an element of ego that creeps into sex- the need to perform, the craving to be affirmed, and the impossible fantasies. When ego takes over, sex can become counter-productive, a spiral of self-limiting thoughts and scarcity. Remind yourself that sex is not the search for something that is missing. Sex is the expression of something that has already been found and is now being lived! It’s not so much that you’ve fallen in love. It’s more that love has found you, taken you by the scruff of the heart and left you giddy with the miracle of being alive. Taking ego out of sex is not about taking yourself out of sex. If you see yourself with acceptance and truly understand your connection to your lover, you will fall in love and never stop falling. You will put yourself into sex more fully, but the self you put in will be the largest version of you, a self more spacious with a capacity larger and longer lasting than any pill could offer.
Rid yourself of the shadow side of sexuality; repressed, needy, detached or abusive sexuality that only leads to suffering. Rid your mind of any negative thoughts about your body, and sexuality and the need to prove anything.
The Baal Shem Tov, a great Jewish master, once said,
When you get these bad thoughts, what’s bad about them is the garments that they’re in. If you take off the bad garments, you see the holy sparks behind them. And these are the ones that glitter in God’s crown.
In sexual encounters, before taking off your clothes, try stripping away the garments of negative thoughts; unrealistic expectations and guilt, self-limiting beliefs and competitive thoughts. Seek sexuality that is more than skin deep, whether alone or with your partner. Embrace your body beyond the surface. Hold each other in divine embrace and all separation will melt away. Your sexuality connects you with lovers in all times and places. Your sexuality connects you with the source of love itself.
David Deida is an American author who writes and leads seminars about sexuality and spirituality. This quote from Deida raises the bar on the essence of sex.
A good orgasm is satisfying, but a great orgasm can be a revelation of your deepest being, unfolding the truth of who you are in ecstatic communion with your lover.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


sobra akong adik na mapuntahan ang Batanes at nakita ko pa itong article na 'to.  mas maraming rason kung bakit kailangan kong puntahan. ;)))

let's go!  must be there before 2012 ends.ü

Truly Rich Club

Friday, February 10, 2012

Words that Awaken

i am hit! bullseye! from my early readings for inspiration and before starting my day at work i came across this beautiful passage of which i would like to adapt for the next days to come. we all need this. and since i am known to be such a person who talks whatever comes to mind, i am reminded today to pause, ponder on the words before i let out of my mouth because agree or not....our words have really power. sabi nga "we are what we think" so i better think only 'good' thoughts and thus only speak words that uplift, inspire, awaken, and empower. let me live it!

Vietnamese Zen Teacher Thich Nhat Hahn offers this reminder:
“Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech . . . I vow to cultivate loving speech.
Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering . . . I vow to learn to speak truthfully, with words that inspire self-confidence, joy, and hope.
I am determined not to spread news that I do not know to be certain, and not to criticize or condemn things of which I am not sure.
I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family or community to break.”

If you like to be truly RICH: