Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The LXD: In the Internet age, dance evolves ... | Video on

a friend of mine shared this video. galing! i suppose we'll be seeing much of this in the near future, like tomorrow. ;_)

The LXD: In the Internet age, dance evolves ... | Video on

be financially rich. visit:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sex Education

Sex Education is a big and hot issue lately whether or not DepEd will go for it or not.  With parents and others  filing a case against DepEd by pursuing it, it makes steamy arguments.  My personal opinion, I am for sex education starting as early as less than 1 year old. I never learned about sex from family or from school and where did i get it from?  Had to read from magazines, comics, tabloids, pocket books, and watch movies.  Now, i'm wondering why my mother didn't teach me about it or even talk about it?  and why is it that when it comes to this topic, everyone in the family is mute? (at least i'm talking about my own family ;_) )

So can you just imagine when i came across this Conversations with God book and read about this (below) ? i was like free! freedom at last!  ;_)  Thank you Neale for writing great books and for emancipating me. =)

The following excerpt is from "Conversations with God",
Book 1, pp.205-208, By Neale Donald Walsch
Copyright ©1997-2000 by N.D. Walsch, all rights reserved.

Question by Neale: Is sex okay? C'mon--what is the real story behind this human experience. Is sex purely for procreation, as some religions say? Is true holiness and enlightenment achieved through denial--or transmutation--of the sexual energy. Is it okay to have sex without love. Is just the physical sensation of it okay enough as a reason?
God: Of course it's "okay." Again, if I didn't want you to play certain games, I wouldn't have given you the toys. Do you give your children things you don't want them to play with?
Play with sex. play with it! It's wonderful fun. Why, it's just about the most fun you can have with your body, if you're talking of strictly physical experiences alone.
But for goodness sake, don't destroy sexual innocence and pleasure and the purity of the fun, the joy, by misusing sex. Don't use it for power, or hidden purpose; for ego gratification or domination; for any purpose other than the purest joy and the highest ecstasy, given and shared--which is love, and love recreated -- which is new life! Have I not chosen a delicious way to make more of you?
With regard to denial, I have dealt with this before. Nothing holy has ever been achieved through denial. Your desires change as even larger realities are glimpsed. It is not unusual, therefore, for people to simply desire less, or even, no sexual activity--or for that matter, any of a number of activities of the body. For some, the activities of the soul become foremost--and by far the most pleasurable.
Each to his own, without judgment--that is the motto. The end of your question is answered this way: You don't need to have a reason for anything. Just be cause.
Be the cause of your experience.
Remember, experience produces concept of Self, conception produces creation, creation produces experience.
You want to experience yourself as a person who has sex without love? Go ahead! You'll do that until you don't want to anymore. And the only thing that will--could ever--cause you to stop this, or any, behavior, is your newly emerging thought about Who You Are.
It's as simple--and as complex--as that.
Neale: Why did you make sex so good, so spectacular, so powerful a human experience if all we are to do is stay away from it as much as we can? What gives? For that matter, why are all fun things either "immoral, illegal or fattening"?
God: I've answered the end of this question too, with what I've just said. All fun things are not immoral, illegal, or fattening. Your life is, however, an interesting exercise in defining what fun is.
To some, "fun" means sensations of the body. To others, "fun" may be something entirely different. It all depends on who you think you are, and what you are doing here.
There is much more to be said about sex than is being said here--but nothing more essential than this: sex is joy, and many of you have made sex everything but.
Sex is sacred, too--yes. But joy and sacredness do mix (they are in fact the same thing), and many of you think they do not.
Your attitudes about sex form a microcosm of your attitudes of life. Life should be a joy, a celebration, and it has become an experience of fear, anxiety, "not enough-ness," rage, and tragedy. The same can be said about sex.
You have repressed sex, even as you have repressed life, rather than fully Self expressing, with abandon and joy.
You have shamed sex as you have shamed life, calling it evil and wicked, rather than the highest gift and the greatest pleasure.
Before you protest that you have not shamed life, look at your collective attitudes about it. Four-fifths of the world's people consider life a trial, a tribulation, a time of testing, a karmic debt that must be paid, a school with harsh lessons that must be learned, and, in general, an experience to be endured while awaiting the real joy, which is after death.
It is a shame that so many of you think this way. Small wonder you have applied shame to the very act which creates life.
The energy which underscores sex is the energy which underscores life; which is life! The feeling of attraction and the intense and often urgent desires to move toward each other, to become one, is the essential dynamic of all that lives. I have built it into everything. It is inbred, inherent, inside All That Is.
The moral codes, religious restrictions, social taboos, and emotional conventions you have placed around sex (and, by the way, around love--and all of life) have made it virtually impossible for you to celebrate your being.
From the beginning of time all man has ever wanted is to love and be loved. And from the beginning of time man has done everything in his power to make it impossible to do that. Sex is an extraordinary expression of love--love of another, love of self, love of life. You ought to therefore love it (And you do-you just can't tell anyone you do; you don't dare show how much you love it, or you'll be called a pervert. Yet this is the idea that is perverted.)

In our next book, we shall look at sex much more closely; explore its dynamics in greater detail, for this is an experience and an issue of sweeping implications on a global scale.

For now--and for you, personally--simply know this: I have given you nothing shameful, least of all your very body, and its functions. There is no need to hide your body or its functions--nor your love of them, and of each other.

Your television programs think nothing of showing naked violence, but shrink from showing naked love. Your whole society reflects that priority."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Slow Down!

got from Bo's blog:

Get rid of hurry from your life.

John Ortberg said, “Hurry isn’t just a disordered schedule but a disordered heart.” I agree. Because of this, he says that our society is rich in things but extremely poor in time.
We don’t have time for family, for people, for relationships.
We don’t have time for ourselves—to reflect, to pray, to breathe, to rest, to enjoy God’s blessings now.
       The solution? Learn to slow down.
       Here are tips (some from me and some from John Ortberg) on how to remove hurry from our lives.
1. Deliberately drive in the slow lane on the expressway. 
If you do this, you’ll arrive home perhaps ten minutes later. But you’ll be less angry, less stressed, and less tired. Here’s what you can do: Pray for all the cars that go ahead of you. Sing a song to God. Imagine God seated beside you. 
2. Deliberately park at the farthest spot available in the parking lot. 
Result? You won’t have to fight over the nearest parking spots; You won’t have to circle around for hours; and you’re giving your body exercise by the extra walk.
3. Deliberately choose the longest line in the grocery.
We usually look for the shortest. Do the opposite. Look for the longest line. You can be sure no one will fight you over it. Enjoy. Pray. Smile. Bless the people around you. 
4. Deliberately chew your food slowly. 
As my friend says, “Food is God’s love made edible.” So enjoy your food. Relish it. Savor the taste. It’ll help your digestion. More importantly, it’ll calm you.  You’ll appreciate your food more. You’ll be more grateful to God for your food.
5. Deliberately put people before things. 
“Waste” time with your loved ones. Laugh, play, and do nothing together. Learn the “art of being” as a group. Last week, I brought all the top leaders of Light of Jesus to the beach for three days. We played charades together. We looked pretty insane. It was wonderful. People ask me why Light of Jesus has remained strong after 30 years. One reason: We play a lot. We have 4 vacations a year!
6. Deliberately take time to enjoy God’s Presence alone.
Each day, spend ten, fifteen, or thirty minutes hanging out with God. Just simply be with Him. Just rest in Him. You can sit before the Blessed Sacrament. Or go under a tree or take a walk. God says, “Be still and know that I am God.”
7. Deliberately stop watching TV. 
People watch an average of 4 hours of TV everyday. That means when you reach 65 years old, you would have spent 9 years of your life watching TV. You wake up one day and ask yourself, “Where did my life go?” Remember that failure is not an act but a habit. Instead of watching TV, read a book instead. Or hold an entertainment night as a family. Or sing together. Or take up a hobby. Or play a musical instrument. Or volunteer and serve God in a ministry.
8. Deliberately take lots of vacations.  
People work non-stop all their life, retire at age 65, and take a long vacation. Usually, they drop dead after a few years. Because they lose their purpose. I’ll teach you a better way, and I’ve been practicing this for some years now: Take lots of mini-vacations now and never retire! I take about 10 small vacations a year, usually with family and friends. And I can’t retire because I’m not working. Both my ministry and business is just so much fun.