Monday, December 17, 2007

i didn't say

What I couldn't say was...

Beloved, will you be here

in this world with me


What I didn’t say was...

Beloved, where have you


What I didn’t do

was rise,

draw the curtains,


take the cup from your hand.

With God watching,

I should have shown

how Humans



I should have

taken your upper lip and

caressed it with the warmth of my tongue,

run a fingertip, along your lower lip,

and had you taste me.

I should have foundyour breath

and remembered it.

I should have placed myself

into the nape of you,

to know your scent.

I should have undone one by one

each of the buttons on your shirt,

and brushed my lips over every place

any clothing had just been.


with God watching

I should have taken you –

rigid, pulsing,

to hear you cry out

every last word that

I didn’t say



My Beloved.

The soul always feels joy, because the soul is joy.

The soul always feels love, because the soul is love.

The soul always feels connected with the wonder of life, because the soul is the wonder of life, expressed.
In order to feel this always, you have to be out of your mind.

You have to get “out of your head” and into your heart.
The heart is the bridge between the mind and the soul.

First get out of your mind and into your heart space.

From there it is a quick jump into your soul.
When you are in your heart space with another, that is when you can have a real soul talk.

When you are in your heart space with yourself, that is when you can experience connecting with your soul at a very deep level.

That is when you can experience communion with God.
If you stay in your mind, you will be affected by the constructions of the mind.

If the mind is dampened or weakened, the body will function in ways that reflect that.

If the mind is uplifted, strengthened, or renewed, the body will function in ways that reflect that.
If the mind is discouraged, diminished, restricted, frustrated, angry, wounded, or agitated, the body will demonstrate that.

If the mind is excited, enlarged, unlimited, exuberant, joyful, healed, and peaceful, the body will behave in an entirely different way.

If religion can make individuals ecstatic, why can’t it heal the world?

Because organized religion as you currently create it is largely an exclusive experience. It is exclusive to the individual or the group experiencing it. You have not found a way to include everyone in the same experience—that is, society as a whole—because you have not found a way for everyone to agree on how the experience should be experienced.
Indeed, you disagree on this question so dramatically that it has caused you to interrupt your own ecstasy to express your disapproval of another for not experiencing the same ecstacy.You have argued with each other, battled with each other, and killed each other in your anger over this ecstacy.

Why? Why have we done this? And why can’t...
...religions heal this?

Organized religions by their nature exclude as many as they include. This would be non-problematic if religions were tolerant of those they exclude, yet far too often this is not the case.
Religions, which you count on to teach tolerance, have not learned how to practice it, and so, teach just the opposite.

It is time you acknowledged a human truth at which no one wants to look.
One of the biggest problems in the world today is organized religion.
Organized religions are a problem.
They are not a solution, they are a problem.
Not all religions, but most. And certainly, most of the largest.
What you have in the case of most of your largest and most influential organized religions is the blind leading the blind.
Really. I mean, here is a nation in the midst of incredible grief, searching for spiritual support in a moment of need, seeking to experience its unity and oneness at a time of turmoil, only to have its own religions letting it down.
Here are a people wanting only to link arms and walk in-step, each person appealing to the God of his or her understanding, each person knowing that healing begins with the expression of tolerance for every other person’s understanding, only to find that organized religion forbids it.
Religions forbid tolerance. Can you imagine? Baptists refusing to pray with Jews or Catholics. Lutherans refusing to pray with other Lutherans. As if there was a wrong time, or a wrong place, or a wrong person with whom to pray.
Is it any wonder that human beings around the world are asking, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Is it any wonder that bumper stickers and billboards have begun to appear saying, GOD, SAVE ME FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Who in the world wants to believe in a God who is less charitable and less tolerant than they are?
How can we ask the world to heal itself when organized religion—the very institution which was meant to provide that healing—does nothing but inflict more and more damage, open wider and wider the wound, spread further and further its righteous indignation, its non-acceptance, its utter distain, its total intolerance?
Yet how can you blame religion if religions believe in a God who does exactly the same thing?

It is your understanding of God that is the main problem.
I will say again, so that you cannot miss it…the problem confronting humanity today is spiritual.

You do not understand who you are.

You do not understand who God is.

You do not understand how the world works.

You do not understand that love is the basis of all of life, nor can you comprehend a love that is unconditional.
You imagine that God is a small, petty, jealous deity who says to people bowed in prayer, “Sorry, it’s my way or the highway. Your prayer I hear. Your prayer I don’t, because you didn’t do it right. You did not please me.” In this you turn me into a replica of the worst of humanity.
You claim that you are striving to be God-like in your lives…and if this is the God you are striving to be like, you have succeeded brilliantly.

excerpt from new revelations: Neale

Friday, December 14, 2007


There was a savior born, in a manger, so we are told, many, many years ago.

But here is something that we have not often been told...

...there has been a savior born every night, and every day, and every minute somewhere on this planet, from the beginning.

something to consider, to think about, to ponder in our hearts.

What if each of us was intended to be a savior? What if we all were? What if every time someone is born, a savior is born? The only question then would be, whether we know it or not…

if Love really is what we are celebrating, it will not matter what kind of package it comes in, what kind of dogma it’s wrapped in, or what kind of doctrine it’s flavored with. It would only matter whether it was real and true, and present, here and now—in our lives and in our world.

If we want humanity to receive the true gift of Christmas, and to have it last the whole year through, we have to agree to become, each of us in our own way, the savior.

nothing that is going on during this special time will have any meaning until we give it meaning in our own lives, and in the lives of others. We’re living in a world right now that is not the kind of world we would choose, if we thought we had a choice.

Here is the news on this day. It is the news that Christ came to tell us.
We do.
We do have a choice.

All of us do, and if we will give ourselves permission to see it that way, and to see ourselves that way—as the person making the choice, as the person modeling the choice, as the person sharing the choice, we can save the day for humanity. The savior can be born right now, today, when we allow love unconditional to be born again in our hearts.

here's a heartwarming story: It’s perfect for this time of year, because it reveals to us just how easy it is to love, just how easy it is to be an individual savior in a world that’s begging to be saved, person by person, moment by moment.

This is a story which comes to us from a woman who, many years ago, worked as a volunteer at a hospital. She got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness.

The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. The boy hesitated for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes, I'll do it if it will save her."

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks.
Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away?"

You see, being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

What we’re talking about here is love. Plain and simple, short and sweet.

We’re talking about love.
Love can be sent to others in a thousand ways. Even thoughts of love can change things.

They can be felt. By you, and by the person you are thinking of, too.
Yes, they can.
You can literally “send love to another” with the power of your thought. In fact, you have a chance to do that right now. If you think of someone with love in this moment, whether they are in their body or have left their earthly body, it will not matter. They will feel it.
And this is how it begins. Through simple acts such as this. The love for another that you ignite in your heart is ignited in the heart of the other. The light may be dim at first, but it will never go out. It cannot, as long as you keep placing it there.

That was the message of the man whose birth we celebrate now.

Let’s give love to each other, and to all people everywhere. Then, the savior is born….in us.
And then we can bring, we can truly bring, Joy to the World.
Merry Christmas, everyone.

edited from Neale's blog

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the new gospel

There IS no Master Race.
There IS no Greatest Nation.
There IS no One True Religion.
There IS no Inherently Perfect Philosophy.
There IS no Always Right Political Party, Morally Supreme Economic System, or One and Only Way to Heaven.
Erase these ideas from your memory.

Eliminate them from your experience.
Eradicate them from your culture.
For these are thoughts of division and separation, and you have killed each other over these thoughts.
Only the truth I give you here will save you: WE ARE ALL ONE.
Carry this message far and wide, across oceans and over continents, around the corner and around the world.
I will. Wherever I go, and wherever I am, I will say it loud and clear.
And with this declaration of The New Gospel, dispel forever the second most dangerous idea on which human beings have based their behaviors: the thought that there is something you have to do to survive.
There is nothing you have to do.

Your survival is guaranteed. It is a fact, not a hope. It is a reality, not a promise.
You have always been, are now, and always will be.
Life is eternal, love is immortal, and death is only a horizon.

Have I not told you that I will communicate with you in many ways—
an article in a three-month old magazine at the hair styling salon,
a chance utterance by a friend,
the lyrics to the next song you hear?

It is through these kinds of continuing “conversations with God” that I send you My eternal message: your survival is guaranteed.
The question is not whether you will survive, but what shall be your experience while you are surviving?
You are answering that question now, in what you call “this lifetime,” and what you call the next. For what you experience in the “next lifetime” can only be a reflection of what you have created in “this lifetime,” because, in truth, there is only One Everlasting Life, with each moment creating the next.
And so we create our own heaven, and our own hell!

Yes—now, and even forevermore. Yet once you are clear that your survival is not in question, you can stop worrying about which one of you is “better.”
You don’t have to punish yourself forever, scramble to “get to the top,” or destroy others to ensure that you are one of “the fittest.”
And so, at last, you can “get the hell out of there.” Literally.

Go, therefore, and teach ye all nations, spreading far and wide The New Gospel:
Speak it not only from your pulpits, but from the halls of your governments as well; not only in your churches, but in your schools; not only through your collective conscience, but through your collective economies.
Make your spirituality real, Right Here, Right Now, on the ground.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

care for water?

do you know that an estimate of 7 million people die every year from water borne diseases including 2.2 million children under 5 years old? it means to say that a child under 5 dies every 14 seconds.

there is a minimal 2.5% water which is not salty
only 0.3% available to people for use
1:6 access of people to clean drinking water
1.1 billion don't have access to safe drinking water and 2/3 of these are in Asia

amazing, huh!?

how well did you use water TODAY?
care enough for those who die of thirst...