The soul always feels joy, because the soul is joy.
The soul always feels love, because the soul is love.
The soul always feels connected with the wonder of life, because the soul is the wonder of life, expressed.
In order to feel this always, you have to be out of your mind.
In order to feel this always, you have to be out of your mind.
You have to get “out of your head” and into your heart.
The heart is the bridge between the mind and the soul.
The heart is the bridge between the mind and the soul.
First get out of your mind and into your heart space.
From there it is a quick jump into your soul.
When you are in your heart space with another, that is when you can have a real soul talk.
When you are in your heart space with another, that is when you can have a real soul talk.
When you are in your heart space with yourself, that is when you can experience connecting with your soul at a very deep level.
That is when you can experience communion with God.
If you stay in your mind, you will be affected by the constructions of the mind.
If you stay in your mind, you will be affected by the constructions of the mind.
If the mind is dampened or weakened, the body will function in ways that reflect that.
If the mind is uplifted, strengthened, or renewed, the body will function in ways that reflect that.
If the mind is discouraged, diminished, restricted, frustrated, angry, wounded, or agitated, the body will demonstrate that.
If the mind is discouraged, diminished, restricted, frustrated, angry, wounded, or agitated, the body will demonstrate that.
If the mind is excited, enlarged, unlimited, exuberant, joyful, healed, and peaceful, the body will behave in an entirely different way.
If religion can make individuals ecstatic, why can’t it heal the world?
Because organized religion as you currently create it is largely an exclusive experience. It is exclusive to the individual or the group experiencing it. You have not found a way to include everyone in the same experience—that is, society as a whole—because you have not found a way for everyone to agree on how the experience should be experienced.
Indeed, you disagree on this question so dramatically that it has caused you to interrupt your own ecstasy to express your disapproval of another for not experiencing the same ecstacy.You have argued with each other, battled with each other, and killed each other in your anger over this ecstacy.
Religions, which you count on to teach tolerance, have not learned how to practice it, and so, teach just the opposite.
It is time you acknowledged a human truth at which no one wants to look.
One of the biggest problems in the world today is organized religion.
Organized religions are a problem.
They are not a solution, they are a problem.
Not all religions, but most. And certainly, most of the largest.
What you have in the case of most of your largest and most influential organized religions is the blind leading the blind.
Really. I mean, here is a nation in the midst of incredible grief, searching for spiritual support in a moment of need, seeking to experience its unity and oneness at a time of turmoil, only to have its own religions letting it down.
Here are a people wanting only to link arms and walk in-step, each person appealing to the God of his or her understanding, each person knowing that healing begins with the expression of tolerance for every other person’s understanding, only to find that organized religion forbids it.
Religions forbid tolerance. Can you imagine? Baptists refusing to pray with Jews or Catholics. Lutherans refusing to pray with other Lutherans. As if there was a wrong time, or a wrong place, or a wrong person with whom to pray.
Is it any wonder that human beings around the world are asking, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Is it any wonder that bumper stickers and billboards have begun to appear saying, GOD, SAVE ME FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Who in the world wants to believe in a God who is less charitable and less tolerant than they are?
How can we ask the world to heal itself when organized religion—the very institution which was meant to provide that healing—does nothing but inflict more and more damage, open wider and wider the wound, spread further and further its righteous indignation, its non-acceptance, its utter distain, its total intolerance?
Yet how can you blame religion if religions believe in a God who does exactly the same thing?
One of the biggest problems in the world today is organized religion.
Organized religions are a problem.
They are not a solution, they are a problem.
Not all religions, but most. And certainly, most of the largest.
What you have in the case of most of your largest and most influential organized religions is the blind leading the blind.
Really. I mean, here is a nation in the midst of incredible grief, searching for spiritual support in a moment of need, seeking to experience its unity and oneness at a time of turmoil, only to have its own religions letting it down.
Here are a people wanting only to link arms and walk in-step, each person appealing to the God of his or her understanding, each person knowing that healing begins with the expression of tolerance for every other person’s understanding, only to find that organized religion forbids it.
Religions forbid tolerance. Can you imagine? Baptists refusing to pray with Jews or Catholics. Lutherans refusing to pray with other Lutherans. As if there was a wrong time, or a wrong place, or a wrong person with whom to pray.
Is it any wonder that human beings around the world are asking, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Is it any wonder that bumper stickers and billboards have begun to appear saying, GOD, SAVE ME FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Who in the world wants to believe in a God who is less charitable and less tolerant than they are?
How can we ask the world to heal itself when organized religion—the very institution which was meant to provide that healing—does nothing but inflict more and more damage, open wider and wider the wound, spread further and further its righteous indignation, its non-acceptance, its utter distain, its total intolerance?
Yet how can you blame religion if religions believe in a God who does exactly the same thing?
It is your understanding of God that is the main problem.
I will say again, so that you cannot miss it…the problem confronting humanity today is spiritual.
I will say again, so that you cannot miss it…the problem confronting humanity today is spiritual.
You do not understand who you are.
You do not understand who God is.
You do not understand how the world works.
You do not understand that love is the basis of all of life, nor can you comprehend a love that is unconditional.
You imagine that God is a small, petty, jealous deity who says to people bowed in prayer, “Sorry, it’s my way or the highway. Your prayer I hear. Your prayer I don’t, because you didn’t do it right. You did not please me.” In this you turn me into a replica of the worst of humanity.
You claim that you are striving to be God-like in your lives…and if this is the God you are striving to be like, you have succeeded brilliantly.
You imagine that God is a small, petty, jealous deity who says to people bowed in prayer, “Sorry, it’s my way or the highway. Your prayer I hear. Your prayer I don’t, because you didn’t do it right. You did not please me.” In this you turn me into a replica of the worst of humanity.
You claim that you are striving to be God-like in your lives…and if this is the God you are striving to be like, you have succeeded brilliantly.
excerpt from new revelations: Neale
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