Dear God,
who resides in me as me and works through me in every moment of my life,
help me to be more like Jesus,
and like all the saints and sages and spiritual masters who have come before me. Bring me the gentleness of Buddha,
the conviction of Moses,
the love of Jesus,
the strength of Muhammad,
the awareness of Baha 'U'Allah.
Shower me with the insights of the Q'uran,
of the Bible,
of the Upanishads,
of all Sacred Scriptures of all religions.
Bring me the wisdom and the insight --
but, mostly, the love and compassion,
the caring and the gentle kindness --
that all spiritual teachings invite us to experience in, as, and through ourselves.
This I ask in the name of all that is good and holy and divine.
Amen, and amen.
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