Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Soul's Agenda

Last day of work today, i mean office job, but work per se i don't think it will ever last not until i breathe out my last i guess.ü  Is it coincidence that i stumbled into this great article from my ever inspiration, Neale Donald Walsch?  Nah, i don't believe so.  Just perfect to think deeper and give answers to this very important questions just before 2012 ends and i'm being ushered into the new year, 2013. 
I’m tired of settling for small steps or simple aphorisms.  It is time now to enter into deep, honest, self-examination.  Some important, even pointed, questions:

Does it feel as though what I’m doing these days is what an evolved being would do? Beyond the issue of survival, beyond “taking care of business” or slogging through the day “doing what needs to be done,” how much of what I’m “up to” feels like what really matters, and how much feels like just “stuff and nonsense”—or, in Shakespeare’s words, Much Ado About Nothing . . . ?

Are my minutes fulfilling? Are my hours ringing with satisfaction? Are my days overflowing with contentment? Are my weeks and months teeming with accomplishment of my Soul’s agenda?

Are my years brimming with spiritual radiance and soulful, Divine expression and experience? Or do I awaken on milestone days—birthdays, anniversaries, times of celebration—with a vague feeling of how fast time is passing and how slowly I have progressed at what I came here to accomplish—and how difficult it is to accomplish it . . . ?

For that matter, have I always been clear that there is something specific that I came here to accomplish? If so, have I known exactly what that is?

I guess I should not be surprised or embarrassed if I have not.  It turns out that 98% of the world’s people do not.  And it’s not their fault.  And it’s not my fault if I find myself even now, at least from time to time, among them.  Because nobody told them, and nobody told me, what really matters.

Oh, they’ve tried to tell us.  Some people have tried to convince us.  And many, many of us listened to those people, because to know something for certain—as religions and politics allow us to think that we do—feels better than to not know.

But the more I listened the more I knew that what others were “buying into” of what still others were telling them couldn’t possibly be true. So I moved away from all of their agendas.  I may not have known where I was going, but I knew what I wanted to get away from.

The result is that I am spending less time these days in that larger group.  And right now I am not even in it . . . or I would never have this book in my hand.  It is wonderful that I am not among that 98% now, and that I spend less and less time there, because there’s nothing worse than spending most of one’s life on things that just simply don’t matter.

No, wait, yes there is.  It would be worse to not know what does matter.  It would be worse to not know that what I am doing here is taking a Sacred Journey, fulfilling a Divine Purpose.
If you are tired of working 8 or 9 hours a day and want to retire a millionaire or do something worthwhile at home and spend quality time with people who really matter, click on the links below. ;)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

when i die

On the day of my Continuation and reunion with my Beloved, i want this to be read during my burial ritual.  Inspired from one of my favorite inspirations, Rumi.

When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
i am missing this world

don’t shed any tears
don’t lament or
feel sorry
i’m not falling
into a monster’s abyss

when you see
my corpse is being carried
don’t cry for my leaving
i’m not leaving
i’m arriving at eternal love

when you leave me
in the grave
don’t say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind

you’ll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down

it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed

have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human

have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well

when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place no time.

Be Truly RICH Work from HOME

Monday, December 17, 2012

Truth = FREE

Did i just stumbled upon this for no reason today?  Nah! i don't think so. i simply love this:

The ancient Greek word for truth is alétheia. It means “not hidden” or beyond appearance. It’s the word that most closely corresponds to modern phrases, coming out, living authentically, and expressing yourself.
Marianne Williamson was so right, “Your authentic presence will automatically liberate others.”
As fire brand feminist, Naomi Wolf, said,
Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it.

...and so here's to the truth of being me! ;)  i commit to be true at all times in all the dealings i will make from today on and always in all ways.

Now, would you like to be liberated from being a slave to your employer?  Click the link below and start being your own boss.ü

Be Truly RICH Work from HOME

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What is INTOLERABLE to you in a Relationship?

took me more than a month to go back and sit down and ponder on this.  I have changed into a different font face color from among the listed things what is highly intolerable for me in a relationship.ü
If you are looking for a committed relationship, you have a much better chance of creating a loving relationship if you are very clear on what you want and what is not tolerable to you.
Take a moment right now to think about what is not tolerable to you. Here is a partial list of what some of my clients have come up with. There is no right or wrong regarding what you want and what is not tolerable to you, so tune in to what you want and what you absolutely can't live with. Sometimes, a person has many traits that we value and appreciate, and a few that we don't like, but we can live with them. The following list is not so much about what you don't like, but about what is completely intolerable to you.
It is not tolerable for my future partner to:
  • Have a different religion than me
  • Be politically different than me
  • Be a different race than me
  • Have children from another relationship
  • Not want children
  • Want children
  • Have different values than I have
  • Be pro-life
  • Be pro-choice
  • Smoke cigarettes
  • Smoke pot
  • Be against medical marijuana
  • Take recreational drugs
  • Be physically ill
  • Earn less than I do
  • Be overweight
  • Be skinny
  • Be short
  • Be very tall
  • Eat junk food
  • Eat only organic food
  • Not care about their looks
  • Not care about their health
  • Not care about their weight
  • Be depressed
  • Get angry a lot
  • Get violent
  • Have been convicted of a violent crime
  • Work at something that is illegal
  • Be judgmental/critical
  • Be sarcastic
  • Be needy and dependent
  • Be overbearing and demanding
  • Always have to be right
  • Be introverted
  • Be extroverted
  • Be insensitive
  • Be closed to learning about themselves
  • Be into personal growth
  • Not be into personal growth
  • Be in therapy
  • Want me to be in therapy
  • Be against being in therapy
  • Not like to read
  • Be addicted to TV
  • Be un-athletic
  • Be a workaholic
  • Not have a high sex-drive
  • Have a high sex drive
  • Watch pornography
  • Be against watching pornography
  • Be self-centered/narcissistic/have entitlement issues
  • Be unkind and dismissive to people
  • Be arrogant
  • Dislike animals
  • Hunt animals
  • Not appreciate art or music
  • Have no friends
  • Live far away from me
  • Not listen well
  • Not be empathic
  • Talk about themselves all the time
  • Have to be the center of attention
  • Gamble
  • Be high maintenance
  • Be addicted to spending
  • Always be late
  • Not call when they say they will call
  • Be messy
  • Be overly neat
  • Be poor at managing money
  • Be in debt
  • Not care about the effect their behavior has on others
  • Be homophobic
  • Not be homophobic
  • Be for gay marriage
  • Not be for gay marriage
  • Be conflict avoidant
  • Not be on a spiritual path
  • Be on a spiritual path
  • Not be on the same spiritual path as me
  • Not be able to express feelings
  • Be in their head rather than in their heart
  • Not be brilliant
  • Be brilliant
  • Dislike their job
  • Not have hobbies
  • Come from a rich family
  • Come from a poor family
  • Not be a college graduate
  • Not be a professional
  • (add your own)

There are certainly more issues -- such as preferences around looks and age -- and I'd love to hear about some of them that I have not listed here. I hope you take the time to explore and value what you want and what is not tolerable to you in a relationship.

If you are already in a relationship with someone who has traits that are truly intolerable to you, this is a different challenge. You only have two choices: to learn to accept the behavior, or to leave the relationship. Learning to accept the behavior may entail learning more about why the behavior is important to your partner. You may need counseling to reach this acceptance. While your partner can change the behavior, you cannot make him or her change it.  People change when they decide to -- not when someone is trying to have control over getting them to change.  Your partner may decide to change out of caring for you or to not to lose the relationship, but frequently this is not the case. If your partner is not interested in changing, and the behavior is truly intolerable to you, then your only choice -- if you are going to support your own highest good -- is to leave the relationship. This is why it is very important before entering a committed relationship to be clear on what is and what is not tolerable to you.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Love - does it really hurts?

aha. i'm back. it's been awhile.  have left this entry hanging for weeks now and re-reading it now, it makes some sense.  now it's finding its way to my being.  i am being questioned, especially lately, on what love truly is and what's loving and what's not.  i'd like to believe that my navigator in life is love yet i know have so much to remember, re-assess, re-live and redefine truths when it comes to this.  guess when you are put in a situation that you have never dreamed of or even thought about or let's say have a strong disagreement of it in the past, you needed to befriend and accept it as it is and stop going against it for in the end, you will see the enemy and discover it has been you.  i am no perfect but i can say i am perfection in its moment of each day given the model of the world as i see it and experience.  it will never be my intention to purposefully hurt any one for i treat every one as part of me in best ways i can. 
so i go spreading love and kindness in this world.  forgive me if you think or believe that i have hurt you along the way.

most of our hurts, disappointments, worries, wounds, irritations, feelings of inadequacy, and conflicts with others are rooted in a strong sense of "me, mine, and I."  Relaxing this sense - while also being good to other beings, including the one wearing your nametag - is a powerful source of strength, love, and inner peace.      

Sometimes you just cant tell someone how you feel, you can never really find the right words to make them understand.

Love never leaves, people do.

Whatever this set of rules may be for a couple, whether insisting on monogamy or making certain exceptions, that is for them alone to decide.  What matters is that, once we've decided and agreed upon the terms of our relationship, we must stand by these decisions.  In doing so, we offer our partner and ourselves a certain degree of freedom and respect as the separate individuals we are.  We are then free to love our partner for who they are, not as extensions of ourselves or people we must control, watch out for, or feel suspicious toward.  When two people in a couple accept and appreciate each other's uniqueness and independence, they're often surprised by how much closer they get to each other.  When we give up some control, we frequently find that we gain much more than we lose.
