all other promises are forfeitures of freedom, and that can never be sacred. for freedom is WHO YOU ARE. if you forfeit freddom, you forfeit your SELF. And that is not a sacrament, that is a blasphemy.
Are You saying we should never make promises - that we should never promise anything to anyone?
as most of you are now living yourl ife, there is a lie built into every promise. the lie is that you can know now how you will feel about a thing, and what you will want to do about that thing, on any given tomorrow. only if you are living life as a creative being can your promise not contain a lie.
until you can create your future, you cannot predict your future. until you can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully about it. yet even one who both creates and predicts her future has the authority and the right to change. Change is a fundamental right of all creatures.
since YOU ARE CHANGE - and since change is the only thing constant about you - you cannot truthfully promise to always be the same.
why is it difficult to keep a promise?
1) until you can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully.
2) people find it difficult to keep promises is that they come into conflict with authenticity
what do you mean?
i mean that their evolving truth about a thing differs from what they said their truth would always be. and so, they are deeply conflicted. what to obey - my truth, or my promise?
betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. it is the highest betrayal.
but this would lead to promises being broken all over the place! nobody's word on anything would matter. nobody could be counted on for anything!
oh, so you've been counting on others to keep their word, have you? no wonder you've been so miserable.
you mean i don't have a right to expect - or at least hope - that other people will keep their word?
why would you want such a right?
the only reason that another person would not keep their word to you would be because they didn't to - or they felt they couldn't, which is the same thing.
and if a person did not want to keep his word to you, or for some reason felt he just couldn't, why on earth would you want him to?
do you really want someone to keep an agreement she does not want to keep? do you really feel people should be forced to do things they don't feel they can do? why would you want to force anyone to do anything against his will?
well, try this for a reason: because to let them get away with not doing what they said they were going to do would hurt me - or my family.
so in order to avoid injury, you're willing to inflict injury.
i don't see how it injures another simply to ask him to keep his word.
yet he must see it as injurious, or he would keep it willingly.
when you give a person freedom, you remove danger, you don't increase it.
yes, letting someone "off the hook" on a promise or commitment made to you may look like it will hurt you in the short run, but it will never damage you in the long run, because when you give the other person their freedom, you give yourself freedom as well. and so now you are free of the agonies and the sorrows, the attacks on your dignity and your self-worth that inevitably follow when you force another person to keep a promise to you that she does not want to keep.
all things that proceed from you, retunr to you.
sevenfold. so there is no need to worry about what you are going to 'get back'. There is only a need to worry about what you are going to 'give out'. life is about creating the highest quality giving, not the highest quality getting.
you keep forgetting. But life is not "for getting". Life is "for giving", and in order to do that, you need to be forgiving to others - especially those who did not give you what you thought you were going to get!
Who you are is love.
what love is, is unlimited, eternal, and free.
therefore, that is what you are. that is the nature of Who You Are.
You are unlimited, eternal, and free, by nature.
excerpts from Neale's CwG book 3