Is a woman allowed to speak? Is a woman allowed to lead? Is a woman allowed to have authority over men? Is a woman allowed to hold a position of responsibility in God's church? By the way, which church IS "God's church"? Is it fair to ask that question? Would anyone care to answer it?
Any comments of you Christians and Muslims out there? help me out. assist me in understanding What God Wants with regard to how we should hold womanhood in our society; how we should treat females. And, specifically, what I would like you to tell me is whether you agree or disagree with the understandings about What God Wants as they are outlined above.
Christians, do you agree with the Bible at 1 Timothy 2:11-14? Again, that passage reads...
"Let a woman learn in silence in all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent."
And you Muslims out me out. Should women receive half the inheritance of male members of the family, simply because they have vaginas? Should the testimony of females at court be worth half that of a man simply for lack of a penis? Please tell me, members of the Nation of Islam, What God Wants with regard to all of this. I am asking in all sincerity. I really want to know. I really yearn to understand. Not only what Allah, bless His holy name, wants, but why. What is the reasoning behind all of this?
Or could it be that it is Conversations with God which is closer to the truth about all of this -- and that God wants nothing of the sort?
And you women out there...what do you think? Is this what God wants? And you men out there? Is this what God wants?
The Vatican can give us wonderful guidance on how to treat women. Before I continue though, let me explain something I've learned from a lifetime of Catholicism ...if the Vatican says it is right and good, then it probably isn't.
Now, regarding these issues, take what the Vatican pontificates, do the reverse, and it will be correct.
I'm not sure that the Vatican is inaccurate about every single solitary thing that it has to say...but I agree with you that its ideas about sexuality, the role of females in the church, and such things as birth control, divorce, and abortion are outdated, outmoded, and outlandish.
Rabia al-Basri, a Sufi saint of the 8th century had this to say, and it is as resonant today as then:"O Allah! If I worship You for fear of Hell, burn me in Hell,
and if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise.
But if I worship You for Your Own sake,
grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty."
Thank you for that contribution. I shall quote it the rest of my life to audiences everywhere!
I also loved THIS from Albert...
The antidote to fear is nakedness, openness, lightness and direct engagement.