Life is the "Isness." It simply IS. It is That Which Is. It is going on Now, and only Now. There is no other time that Life is occurring. And it is occurring, always, Right Here. There is no other place for It to occur. Life is always occurring, and all ways occurring, Here and Now. Everything else is an illusion; a way of separating Here and Now, and of dividing them into parcels of the mind (or, ways of perceiving) called Then and There, Before and After, and so forth. Yet It is all expressing in a Single Moment and a Single Place.
This expression of The Energy that we call Life follows basic principles. These are: Functionality, Adaptability, and Sustainability. All of Life is Functional. If it teeters towards the edge of functionality, it immediately Adapts, thus rendering Itself Sustainable -- and, therefore, optimally Functional again.
There is only One Energy, expressing Itself variously, depending upon the rate of speed - or the frequency -- at which The Energy oscillates. The fundamental and basic form of Energy is the Wave. Energy expresses as waves.
When waves move through what we refer to as space (more correctly, the ether), they vibrate. Indeed, it is this vibration that causes the movement; that is the movement. It would be accurate to say that all of Life is vibration.
Whenever The Energy that is Life vibrates, it makes noise that waves through the ether with the primal sound of om. This is an extremely low frequency rumble that vibrates with massive intensity that impacts upon Itself.
This is the most important statement you will ever hear. I am saying that the effect creates an effect upon itself. Thus, Life is both an Expression and an Experience; both The Creator and The Created.
It would be accurate to say that Life expresses Itself through the expression of Life Itself -- and that Life experiences Itself through the experience of Life Itself. In other words, the Expression produces an Experience which produces and Expression which produces an Experience which produces an Expression -- and on and on and on in a never-ending, circular process in which both the Expression and the Experience are occurring sequentially and simultaneously in the Only Moment There Is.
Thus, Life is sequentaneous..
When you understand this, you understand everything you need to know about Everything.
The movement of Life, its vibration, produces more movement or vibration, which produces more movement or vibration, in ever increasing frequency. This process is called Evolution.
As The Energy that is Life vibrates more and more rapidly, it agitates itself, producing heat. Eventually this heat becomes white hot - creating Light.
One of our mythologies put it this way: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. And God said, "Let there be light."
This Light might be called the Physicalization of God, because it can be seen by the naked eye. Yet in truest sense, the All of Everything is a Physicalization of the Divine, because there is nothing that is not physical. All Things are physical, although not in the sense that we have come to most commonly use the word.
In our normal, day-to-day vocabulary, that which is "physical" is generally understood to mean that which can be seen, or at least measured (such as sound, gravity, etc.) In truth, all things -- seen and unseen -- are physical, and some things are more than that. These things are META-physical -- that is, larger than the merely physical. Yet "metaphysical" does not mean NON-physical...and this is a major misunderstanding.
Life is a never-ending experience of physicality, in one form or another. What we call the "spirit" is simply the body in another form. Body, Mind, and Spirit are actually three experiences of the Same Expression, called Life.
EXERCISE #1 - Look around you and see if you can observe Energy vibrating in any form. Make a list of ways in which you notice this occurring.
excerpt from neale's blog
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