Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fun Run

Uso eon gid a makaron do mga Fun Run kaya kung ikaw hai mahilig man magparticipate mayad kung masayran mo ra ;)

"Sometimes, you think your body wants food when it's really asking for water (seriously, sometimes thirst gets mistaken for hunger). You might be sweating out much more than you think. How to know: Weigh yourself before you go and right after you come back. Subtract your finishing weight from your starting weight. Then factor in any water you drank on your walk, because 16 ounces of water weighs 1 pound. So if you started at 150 lb., finished at 149, and drank 8 ounces of water along the way, you need to drink at least 8 ounces as soon as you get back."

Malipayong pagdaeagan! ü

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