February is considered a time of new beginnings, of love and celebration.
Personal freedom is a journey in which you learn to love and accept yourself unconditionally.
So since it is February now i would like to list 5 things that i love about myself as my Valentine gift to the rebie i love, adore, and care for.
- being open minded in all the things that consist life
- being aware that Goddess is in every thing that i get in contact with every milli second of my life and that each new wonderful day is an invitation that i manifest it
- being honest and as much as possible transparent in all that i do, in all the affairs i make, and being able to live my truths
- loving without reservation, believing that love is free, unlimited, borderless; and that no matter what, love is all my reason there is that i exist, that i live, that i love
- being able to choose happiness no matter what the circumstance is and able to see things in different perspectives; that i wish to have peace and joy; and i am peace and joy to the best i can
if it helps you to do the same, be free to do so. while i was thinking and writing about this, i feel good and loving to myself. indeed, Shakespeare was so true when he said,
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
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