Each of us are magical beings of light with the incredible gift, we have the opportunity to spend time here on this beautiful planet. It is up to us what we make of that gift. We can live in heaven or in hell depending on how we use our minds and where we focus our attention.
Once we begin to make that choice consciously we begin to realize that suffering is optional.
What is happiness? The answer to that question is different for each of us. What might 'make' you happy might annoy the heck out of your best friend. Happiness, as with all of life is relative. Happiness or misery is always just a thought away.
Life is... and then we tell ourselves a story. The story is much more dependent on our filter system than it is on life. So what is happiness? Happiness is simply whatever you tell yourself. If, right now you have a noisy neighbor and the noise is bothering you, the neighbor doesn't have to change for you to be happy. I have noisy neighbors and it used to bother me. Then one day I was listening to them and I thought they are really enjoying life. They still make noise but when they do most of the time I smile because I hear a celebration of life instead of an annoyance. And when I don't smile that is my choice not their noise.
Realizing we can change our story rather than demanding the world changes is empowering and very freeing.
isn't that being a doormat? Do we have to accept unacceptable behavior?
No, we don't and we can choose our battles. We can choose to be happy instead of demanding to be right. No matter how nicely you arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic it is still going to sink. When you get all your ducks in a row in order to be happy the ducks always move. Happiness is just a thought away. The more I focus on happiness the more magical and easy my life becomes! So if you really want to be happy celebrate what is and see what happens!!!
Actually seeing your own filter system can be a very difficult task. Until you change your filters you will keep creating the same things over and over again. Life is meant to be fun, joyous, easy and free. Once you clear out your filter system you have an opportunity to experience that freedom. If magic and miracles aren't a part of your everyday life, your filter system is in control.I truly believe you can be happy and fulfilled no matter what is happening in your life. I believe our life's purpose is to remember who and what we are, connect with our ability to create our reality and then to enjoy, really enjoy the wonders of the earth plane. Life is and then we tell ourselves a story. Based on that story, we make choices and create our experience of reality. Generally, this all happens at an unconscious level. So we keep creating the same results in our lives. If you have been lonely you will continue to create loneliness. If you hate your job or have conflicts with bosses and coworkers you will create the same thing at your next job. If your relationships have been unfulfilling they will continue to be unfulfilling. And you can change all that by becoming aware of your filter system and learning how to align yourself with the essence of who and what you are.
No matter where you go, there you are. As long as you are aligned with your small self your filter system is running the show and you will consistently make the same choices and create the same outcomes. Once you align yourself with who and what you really are you can begin to consciously make choices based on what you do want and your life will change dramatically.
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